
Educational Programs of the Division of Advanced Science and Biotechnology


In the educational reform initiatives currently undertaken at Japanese graduate schools, internationalizing educational programs is one of the major tasks. To truly internationalize graduate school education, it is essential to enhance faculty members' teaching techniques and educational methods to the world's highest level. Also essential is to promote internationalization of master programs. With this view, at the Division of Advanced Science and Biotechnology we plan to organize Faculty Development (FD) seminars abroad, so as to improve faculty members' teaching techniques and educational methods, and to enrich content of their lectures/seminars. The ultimate goal is to enhance faculty members' ability to foster excellent human resources who are capable of exerting their leadership in the global arena of frontier sciences. We also seek to reinforce partnerships with graduate schools of leading universities outside Japan, develop common e-learning programs with these graduate schools, augment internship programs for students, and actively publicize on our website lectures delivered in English. To promote internationalization of master programs, we plan to use English in all lectures, seminars and research guidance provided in the master programs for Japanese students, as those provided in the master program of English course (International Program of Frontier Biotechnology) for international students. Through these initiatives, we intend to provide the world-class educational programs, open to students of any nationality.


MEXT "Program for Enhancing Systematic Education in Graduate School"
URL: http://www.jsps.go.jp/j-daigakuin/index.html

◇Implementation term:  金谷茂則教授   福住俊一教授
October 1st, 2008 - March 31st, 2011
Responsible faculty members:
Professor Shigenori Kanaya (representative)
Professor Shunichi Fukuzumi
Department of Material and Life Science
Division of Advanced Science and Biotechnology
Graduate School of Engineering
Prof. Shigenori KANAYA
Prof. Shunichi FUKUZUMI
Osaka University